Friday, 23 December 2011

x-mas mode on!

Faith makes all things possible,
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this Christmas.
h0h0h0h0 xxx 

Monday, 5 December 2011

Seeking for sunshine

Όταν δημιουργώ νιώθω ελεύθερη και το αίσθημα ελευθερίας είναι απέραντο...

Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Lightness Of Being x

Βραδάκια του καλοκαιριού, θάλασσα, ανάλαφρα μπλουζάκια, γέλια, light μουσική, όμορφα συναισθήματα, χαμόγελα, βόλτες με τα πόδια στην παραλία, καφές στα Starbucks, μπίρες με Αντρέα, ατέλειωτες  συζητήσεις. Χαλαρά. Χωρίς υποχρεώσεις και άγχη της δουλειάς. Καλοκαιρινά μπαράκια, ήλιος, καμένα μάγουλα. THE LIGHTNESS OF BEING!
Bring my summer back!

Ξεκάθαρες Γεύσεις!

 Η  ζωή μας  πρέπει να είναι σαν ένα Espresso.  Έντονη, με ουσία και ξεκάθαρες 'γεύσεις'!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

You should have known better.

Δημιουργηθηκε με  μουσικη υποκρουση  των Koop - Koop Islands Blues
sweet music! 

Monday, 21 November 2011


I'm glad that i titled this blog 'Fotografiks' instead of  'Photographs' or 'Graphic Design', 
because it is as much about graphic design as it's about photography. Fotografiks is a 
good word because it lends its self to several complex meanings and can be approached 
from opposite directions - from design to photography and vise versa.
Fotografiks implies an approach tο photography based on my view point. 
With my passion for the visual manifestation of abstracts symbols especially numbers 
and letters, they delight in documenting vernacular graphics in the environment. 
Fotografiks explores the synergy between photography and graphic design. 
It presents a compilation of photographs and graphics taken and done by me over the years 
past, present, future.

Σκυλίσια Ζωή...

Φρίξος ο σκύλος - Ρόδος 2011
Κάποιες φορές όλες οι σκέψεις πετάνε μακριά. Τι πέρνουν μαζί τους τα κύματα κρύου.
Και τότε όλα σταματάνε. Οι καυγάδες για τα layout, τα νεύρα, η αμηχανία μπροστά στην
απουσία της. Το μόνο που σκέφτεσαι είναι ένα σκυλί.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

All in the name of TYPE!

“Typography Workshop”
Produced an A2 poster, exploring different typographical techniques. Experiment with various tools and techniques to generate appropriate and aesthetic letter forms.

Sunday, 30 October 2011


The Art Of Looking Sideways!

Words and pictures on how to make twinkles in the eye and colours agree in the dark. Thoughts on mindscaping, moonlighting and daydreams. Have you seen a purple cow?Think outside the box. When less can be more than enough. THE ART OF LOOKING SIDEWAYS. To gaze is to think. Are you left-eyed? Living out loud. Buy junk, sell antiques. The Golden Mean. Standing ideas on their heads. To look is to listen. Insights on the mind's eye. Every status has its symbol. 'Do androids dream of electric sheep?' Why feel blue? Triumphs of imagination such as the person you love is 72.8% water. Do not adjust your mind, there's a fault in reality. Teach your self ignorance. The belly-button problem. Visual charades. What has an ox to do with the letter A? THE ART OF LOOKING SIDEWAYS. How to turn knots into bows. When does 1 and 1 add up to 3? Why sit with your back to the view? Note on the Blue Tit Syndrome, letter-play and visual puns. Patterns of chaos. Kissin' cousins to camp. Half a word is enough for a quick ear. Some people think computers can't. civilisation is chaos taking a rest. Too far east is west. Writing is the geometry of the soul.Why look at things upside down? Squaring the circle. 'If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.' The sympathy of things. How to think by jumping. Never wait for your self. A word in your eye. THE ART OF LOOKING SIDEWAYS. Beauty is a flavour of quark. Cerebral acrobatics. By the way, what's it like living with paper bag over your head? Not referring to you of course- the uncommon exception to universal bondage.